June 7, 2011

Day 4!

Hard day today but that's ok :) We had another incredible morning session all about community and how important it is throughout this summer any at any point in life.  I went job hunting today as well. And as of right now I am very tired and very hot haha... it's hard work being a grown up! I turned in some applications so we'll see what great things God does! In reference to having jobs this summer, this morning we also talked about the fact that we are the "fragrance of God" at work.  We are working for Him which is so exciting! I can't wait to start working and help people to know the love of God through the way I work.  We have our first Bible study tonight on Philippians and I'm so excited! This is not nearly as important but my roommates and I planned a list of pranks that we want to pull soon. It's going to be a great summer :)
Much love! Thank you all for being so encouraging!! God is incredible!